Costly Sump Pump Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid
A sump pump is essential in keeping your basement dry. It’s used to eliminate water that has settled into a sump basin, which is typically located in the basement. Like other equipment and components of your home, it requires proper maintenance to stay efficient.

Discover common sump pump maintenance mistakes you should avoid from a foundation repair contractor.
Failure to Check Your Sump Pump System
A sump pump has three levels of needs. Level 1 is when your sump pump continues to run, even when it’s not raining. Level 2 is regarded as the ideal condition when your sump pump isn’t running properly, but do occasionally work in specific scenarios, such as severe storms or heavy rains, and then shuts off.
You must test your system at least once a year. To check your sump pump, get a five-gallon bucket of water, and slowly pour the water until the float triggers start to work. The water level should gradually drop and the system should shut off once the float has dropped back down below the shutoff level. Regularly checking your system is vital because it also provides added support by relieving pressure in your home’s foundation. It helps keep your home in good shape and you save on basement and foundation repair costs.
Check Valve Errors
The check valve of your sump pump prevents water from backing up into the pump. You should see an arrow painted around the check valve, indicating which direction the valve should face. The arrow should be pointing away from the sump pump.
Float Switch Issues
When the water level gets too low, it’s the float switch that tells the sump pump motor to stop. Your sump pump should have a lot of space around the float and switch, so the arm can freely float and sink. When there’s not enough space or something getting in the way, the float will cause the pump to stop working properly, which can result in a burnt up motor.
For your basement waterproofing needs, turn to Stratum Structural Systems. We also offer foundation and egress window repair services. Call us at (314) 620-8153 or fill out our contact form to get schedule a free consultation.