Signs That Your Home’s Foundation Has Problems

It may not be noticeable, but most houses do settle over time, which can either be caused by the house’s structure, or your home may have foundation issues. Settling is a slow process, but it doesn’t mean you should take your time or just ignore it. Foundation repair contractor Stratum Structural Systems shares the signs that may indicate problems with your home’s foundations.
Doors Are Becoming Difficult to Close and Open.
One of the more noticeable signs of settling houses is that the floor becomes uneven. It may not look obvious at first, but one of the first signs is that doors fall out of alignment. What used to be a smoothly-operating door may become hard to operate. The bottom of the door may be dragging against the floor, and won’t latch as easily as it used to. In the case of sliding doors, the sash may be difficult to slide closed and open. Windows may also exhibit the same behavior.
Cracks Appear In the Walls
Carefully examine your walls. If you notice cracks over doorways, windows or where the wall meets the ceiling, the foundation in that area of your home is settling. Visible cracks can be repaired with plaster and repainted; however, make it a point to have a foundation professional check your home. If caught early, minor foundation piering might be all the work that’s needed to stop your house from settling.
There’s a Soil-Like Smell Indoors
In instances where the foundation slabs have pulled apart enough to expose the soil underneath, it might cause cracks on the floor and allow the gas from the soil to seep into your home. The smell itself isn’t a problem, but bacteria from the soil may make it into your home. Soil also contains trace amounts of uranium, which is not as dangerous as it sounds but should nevertheless be addressed as soon as possible. The cracks in the floor may also cause an increase in indoor humidity.
Stratum Structural Systems is your leading provider of basement waterproofing and foundation repair services. Give us a call at (314) 669-3030 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment.