Tips to Help You Keep Water Out of a Window Well

Installing egress windows is a requirement that homeowners must meet if they want to turn their basement into a spare room or an extra living space. After all, it not only allows natural light into your basement but it’s also a good escape route in the event of an emergency. Unfortunately, if you have an egress window, it’s possible for the window well to be filled with water during a storm.
Here, brick foundation repair pros Stratum Structural Systems share tips on how you can prevent that.
Ensure That The Window Well Has Proper Drainage
If you want to prevent water from filling your window well, one mistake that you should never commit is overlooking proper drainage. Otherwise, not only can the water fill up your window well but it can cause leaks and water can enter your basement as well. When you’re installing your egress windows, be sure to install the proper drainage and make sure to clean it every now and then to prevent clogging.
On the other hand, if your window well still fills up with water despite your efforts to keep it clean, it’s possible that you may need to install a new drainage system entirely. To determine if this is indeed the case, enlist the services of a basement waterproofing expert like Stratum Structural Systems for their assistance.
Use Fitted Window Well Covers
Alternatively, you can also install a properly fitting window well cover on your basement windows to keep water out of your window well. In fact, by doing so, you can kill two birds with one stone as not only do window well covers prevent water from filling up your window well but it also prevents debris from falling into the well. You can choose between a plastic, metal, stone, wood, concrete or composite well cover to prevent water from posing a problem for your egress windows.
Want to prevent water from filling your window well? Don’t hesitate to turn to Stratum Structural Systems, your leading experts when it comes to foundation piering and egress window installation services. Give us a call at (314) 620-8153 or fill out our contact form to get a free quote.